Sunday, October 18, 2015

Two Weeks of Halloween Fun

Lucky Count
October 18: Lucky Count
video by Vegas Low Roller

If you count the days till Halloween,
You’ll find they number just fourteen.
Come back and visit everyday.
You’ll find new spooky games to play.
You’ll find no tricks, just treats in store.
Enjoy the win - come back for more.

“Count” on Vegas Low Roller getting our Halloween fun off to a “Lucky” start.

October 19: Hauntsworth House
video by Random$$Slots
Hauntsworth Housevideo by Random$$Slots

At Hauntsworth House when you trick-or-treat
You could get something good to eat
Choose the right ghost, and find the key,
Pick the right chest, and you might see
A trunk of credits, and not candy.

“Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.”
Click Here

October 20: Ghostbusters
video by Shamus

If there’s something strange in your neighborhood
Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters
If there’s something weird, and it don’t look good
Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters

If you can’t seem to win - though you really try,
If you always lose - and you don’t know why
If you’re all alone, pick up the phone
Help’s on the way. Shamus’ll save the day. 
Call Ghostbusters

Shamus ain’t afraid of no ghosts… 
…and he ain’t afraid of the StayPuft Marshmallow Man either! 
Click Here and watch how he does it.

October 21: Midnight Matinee
video by NYPhinix13  

The Midnight Matinee tonight,
Midnight Matinee
Could give viewers an awful fright
With monsters lurking out of sight.
Don’t be afraid, they will not bite.

The Graveyard Ghosts are friendly too
Pick five tombstones, see how you do. 
The pink ghosts give you extra spins
Green ghosts can multiply your wins
Click Here and all your fun begins

       Great Halloween editing, Rob!

The Walking Dead
October 22: Walking Dead
video by ShinobiYT

A hoard of zombies, Walking Dead.
You’ve got to shoot them in the head.
“Cause if you don’t, and they bite you,
You’ll turn into a zombie too.

Shinobi’s Wakizashi or Ninjato blades might also do the trick.

October 23: Vampire’s Embrace

Vampire's Embrace
video by SlotTraveler

He casts no shadow on the floor,
Ne reflection in the glass
He drinks no wine or water
He dines on no repast

He cannot cross your threshold
If you don’t invite him through your door
And if you do, you’ll surely rue
What the vampire has in store.

'Cause when you’re caught in his embrace,
His bloody fangs close to your face,
Wrapped in his cape, you can’t escape,

SlotTraveler, get us out of this fright-mare!

October 24: Elvira’s Secret
Elvira's Secret
video by Random$$Slots

Elvira is a buxom vamp
Inspiring lusty dreams
Seducing you with ribald camp
But nothing’s as it seems

For the Mistress of the Dark
Has hidden one small fact.
The sexy show is just a lark.
Her secret is: it’s all an act.
Guess she doesn’t REALLY “tingle all over when you win like that.”

More Halloween Tricks-n-Treats

1 comment:

  1. Special thanks to the talented filmers listed below for letting me use their videos for this Halloween entry: Vegas Low Roller, Shamus, NYPhoenix13, Slot Traveler, ShinobiYT, Albert's Slot Channel, Casinomannj, DProxima, Diana Evoni, Beam Me Up Slotty, Brent's Lucky (& Gay) Slot Channel, and Random $$ Slots. If you've enjoyed these two weeks of Halloween fun, please thank them by viewing, liking, commenting, and subscribing...and tell your friends so they can too.
